
Me and Mac

Foster's Home for Imaginary friends.
it's a cartoon about a small kid called Mac who lives in a world where imaginary friends actually exist.. you can create them, communicate with them, and even adopt them if you are too lazy to create them.
Mac created bloo. But Mac's brother hated him cos he was so hard to handle (or something like that), so the family decided to put him in Foster's Home.
Owned by Madam Foster, Foster's Home is basically where all the imaginary friends are put for adoption.
Madam Foster (who couldn't give up her own imaginary friend) decides that Bloo wouldn't be put up for adoption, as long as Mac comes and visits him everyday at 3.
What's so interesting about such a cartoon?
The idea that I came to realize is friends remain.
They might tease you, annoy you, mess up your homework, or waste your time.
But they always seem to know how to fix things... they always help you.
Well... not all friends.... only imaginary friends.
Friends in reality are not ready to be anything but themselves. You have to accept them the way they are. And if they stab you in the back, it's because of their nature, and you were to blind and stupid to see it.
I know it because I've been blind and stupid many times... actually.. most of the time.
*experience is a bundle of mistake you made in your life*
It's a shame that I'm too old to be thinking about adopting an imaginary friend... it would be nice... and helpful..
the main character of my imaginary friend is his/her silence, and his/her ignorance.
I would like to talk without being judged. I would like to continue talking without getting interrupted. I would like to scream at the top of my lungs without the risk of deafening anyone. I would like throw my thoughts without having to be coherent. and finally, I would like to know that someone was actually listening.
I don't care about that last hug people get when they start crying, it doesn't make things any easier... talking and crying ugly things out is just about enough.
Usually the main reason for collision between friends is when someone snaps at the other unintentionally, and the latter is just too proud to understand why that someone snapped.
they never reconcile for some reason.
friends are overrated, imaginary friends are not

broken chain


ideas flowing in

brain rush

grab a pen and paper

great thoughts...

start writing

never thought better

start typing

brain rush gets faster

strong heartbeats

words floating

links broken

thoughts are gone

couch potato again...

ideas flow back in

ignore... they will deceive you as they always do...

your post is gone


Big bottles and smaller ones

I was at the grocery store today, and i passed by the shampoos and shower gel section... so many things to choose from!!

I spotted an apricot scrub shower gel

I almost grabbed it.. then I was like... wait a second.. I already have 2 at home that i haven't used yet..
then came the challenging question...
should i or shouldn't??
i mean.. its an apricot body scrub! and its smell is so soothing!
very challenging....

so.. did i get it?
no but i scorned on all of those manufacturers who make those products in huge bottles that would take ages to run out, even if u use plenty of it in your everyday shower
(just a hint in case someone thought I'm cheap or stinky)


I really like the size they use in hotels..
i mean.. when it's finished.. it's finished! u get a new one.. a better one!

The Lilac gel that I'm using now isn't so bad after all



To do lists and procrastination

it's December again
The year is coming to an end..

This is the time of the year when you start to review your last year's resolutions and think about how you never managed to accomplish your aspirations... or at least half of them

so I had in mind to read a number of books this year... I read about half of them.. but not all..
It all comes down to 2 reasons:
Bad choices, and mood issues
I am satisfied with the books I have read, but I had to wonder why I (or anyone for that matter) don't accomplish many of the planned goals to the end.

Procrastination is a very big problem in this part of the world... I barely know anyone who doesn't procrastinate...
I believe it became part of our Arabic human nature

Why do we procrastinate?
Ok I shall speak for myself.
Because I like things to go smooth and perfect, I make up plans... and to do lists...
even when i redecorated my room, I made a to-do list for every step, that my sister almost lost it!
Why the to-do's? well sometimes when you have a gazillion thing to do, you have to write them down to keep track of what u r doing because you tend to lose your concentration.
after writing the to-do list, I find myself unable to do half of the things I planned to do
reasons vary depending on the situation
It could be parents that would ruin your plans just cos they feel like it, or because they are afraid to lose you, it could be a stupid tumble dryer that doesn't want to work anymore, it could be an unfaithful friend who decides to stab you in the back when least expected and when you least need it, it could be an irresponsible younger brother that you have to take care of, or it could be that you are just out of it.

whatever it is, usually the main reason is: being overwhelmed.
when everything is perfectly planned, malfunction occurs during execution.
looking at your list and counting your steps and wondering... ooooh I still have to do this and this and that and what if I don't get it done... blaaa... that's when we start to push back our work and fail.

For me, when I do fight the laziness, and when I decide to become stronger than the overwhelming feeling, I succeed.
It gives a great feeling of accomplishment to stick to plans and finish them on time...

I have a small resolution for remaining of this year, and it is to finish the work project I started this summer, because it is about time. And I shall finish it before 2007 starts.

For the next year... I'm gonna let it go with the flow
I just hope that I will manage to get out of the mess I'm living in right now... that's all


فخورة لأنو

الفكرة ملطوشة من الغرفة الاجتماعية... تحية لصديقي صاحب الموضوع
(اهلين فيك... بعرفك شو راح تقول فعم رد عليك دغري)

شغلات بتخليني اشعر بالفخر... بشكل عام الها علاقة بوطني

فخورة لأني من بلد اسمها سوريا ومن اقدم مدينة بالتاريخ... دمشق

فخورة لأن بسوريا بتنتقل الاخبار بسرعة البرق واكتر ناس بيستعملو بهارات بالحكي هنن السوريين
هادا غير فاعلين الخير طبعا

فخورة انو سوريا بتحن عالمساكين مع انو بدها مين يحن عليها

فخورة انو سوق الحميدية مقصد سياحي مهم في دمشق

فخورة لانو صار عنا محلات مانجو و بيير كردان و جيورجيو ارماني بالشام و 90 بالمية من السكان بيقدرو بكل بساطة انو يفوتو عليهون و يشمو....و يطلعو (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة لأن الكبير والصغير والمأمط بالسرير بيعرفو شو الدوا الشافي لكل الظواهر والانسدادات المستعصية ببلدنا... الا وهو العملة

فخورة لأن المواطن بيعرف يتفاهم مع الموظف والموظف بيعرف يتفهم مع المدير والشوفير مع الشرطي والطالب مع الانسة والطالبة مع
دكتور الجامعة
فخورة لأن شعبنا بيحب الفرفشة والنعنشة مع انو معتر كتير وقلبو مليان هموم

فخورة لأن عنا ذهب ابيض وسنابل ذهبية و فيجة

فخورة إنو المسلسلات السورية أحلى مسلسلات بالوطن العربي في الوقت الحالي (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة لأن جمال سليمان سوري

فخورة انو ماحدا بيساوي ستي زبئي وكباب هندي وحراء اصبعو وفلافل بنشارة خشب غيرنا

فخورة لأن وأخيرا غيرو بألوان العملة المعدنية مشات يللي نظرو على قدو يعرف العشرة من الخمسة باللون

فخورة انو حيصير عنا بورصة سوق اسهم مالية

فخورة لأن شعبنا اكتر شعب مفتأ بالعالم

فخورة لانو كل شعبنا فهمان بالدين و السياسة و الاقتصاد و العمارة و الهندسة و الطب و الشعر و الفضاء و الموسيقى و النحت...على ذمتو طبعا (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة لأن السوريين مسبعين الكارات

فخورة لأن كل الناس بتحسب الف حساب قبل ما تفكر تنصب على واحد سوري

فخورة انو طبيعة بلادنا حلوة و لساتها عذراء من قلة الاهتمام و الفشل بالقطاع السياحي (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة لأن لسا ماوصل الزحف العمراني الى صحراء تدمر

فخورة انو شعبنا ما بيكره شعب تاني بالولادة (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة انو السوريين اكتر ناس بيآمنو بالفزلكات متل الاحكام المسبقة ونظريات المؤامرة

فخورة انو الطيران العربي السوري عندو طيارين على مستوى عالي واسوأ اسطول طيارات

فخورة لأن كل السوريين سواسية و صورهون بهوياتهون كأنهون مطلوبين حيا او ميتا

فخورة لأن هويتي القديمة مو مبخوشة (ملطوشة) مع اني ما بعرف شو يعني انو مبخوشة بس هويتي ما كانت مبخوشة و معناتا هي شغلة منيحة(مااااع) ـ

فخورة لأن ماعندي بطاقة انتخابية

فخورةلانو البنت السورية اكتر بنت بتعتني بحالها من بين كل الجنسيات يلي عرفتهون (ملطوشة لأن كتير عجبتني) ـ

فخورة انو سوريا فيها اطيب كنتاكي بالعالم....اسمو فروج بروستد (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة انو بسوريا في جامعين امويين مو بس واحد

انا فخورة لأن السوريين بايعين الدنيا بقشرة بصلة ومافي حدا بيعلق على صرمايتون

فخورة لأن السوريين بيلاقو الشي الحلو من كل شي... يعني حتى لما الواحد بيسمن بيقولو صار عندو كرش للوجاهة

فخورة لأن صار اسم سوريا متطرق عالتلفزيون متل اسم غانا يعني كتير من المتفرجين بيعرفو بوجود هيك دولة (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة انو عنا احلى امفيثيتر اثري بالعالم

فخورة انو عند السوريين طلوع النهار يمحو كلام الليل

فخورة انو ساحة الامويين صارلها 3 سنين مدري اكتر ماعاد اتذكر عم تتساوى بالنفق تبعها ولهلأ ما كانت تخلص مدري خلصت وما درينا

فخورة لانو السوريين بعلكو كتير....قسم بيعرف شو عم يعلك...و قسم بيعلك المهم انو علك (ملطوشة) ـ

فخورة ان البنت السورية لما بتطلع من البيت بتحسب حساب فاعلين الخير اكتر ما تحسب حساب اذا ممكن حدا يأذيها

فخورة انو بضل سهرانة بالزايد نص ساعة على موضوع بس مشان قول قديش انا فخورة

ومتل ما قال الشعب
ريتو فخور يكسر بعضو



This mask of strength that I'm wearing is getting so heavy, I can't bear to hold it anymore…

To people who have so much potential and can accomplish the greatest things, but are restricted to limited choices and uncontrolled circumstances

I dedicate this song…

There is a superman in each one of us

Superman - Five for Fighting

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find
The better part of me

I’m more than a bird...I'm more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me

Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I’ll never see

It may sound absurd...but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It’s not easy to be me

Up, up and away...away from me
It’s all right...you can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy...or anything...

I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees

I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me

Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
I’m only a man
Looking for a dream

I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it’s not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...

It's not easy to be me


it's a balance

I finally got myself to believe there is some good in my attitude of not having a "passion" for a specific thing in life.

Ok, first, what is a passion in my terms?
A passion is something you dearly love. Something that you were born to do, you have been doing all your life, and will continue to do, even on your death bed.
It could be a hobby, like music, reading, writing, photography, drawing, computing, puzzling… what have you. Or, it could be something that makes you feel good about yourself…such as helping people.

Ever since I started to realize that I like to do so many things at the same time, but not to reach a point of perfectionism in anything in specific, I started to possess over the fact that I don’t have something to live for.

The other day, I watched a video on youtube about a man expressing his reason for waking up every morning. His reason is his 3 year-old boy. He was encouraging people to find that something that they love most, so they would take good care of it and because it will help them appreciate life even more. Most of the people who replied to this video also stated that their kids are the reason why they live.
It made me notice something.
What was their reason of living and breathing before they had children? I mean… Those people were not born parents… they must have had something to cherish before they popped some juniors to this world.
Then again, maybe they found a reason to live after they had this responsibility.

The truth to be said, watching this video gave me a sort of a relief…
Someday, I will be a mother for a child, and he/she will be my reason to wake up in the morning. My passion.
But as a person who always expects the worst (since this is what life had taught me), I had to measure the other side of the story…
The other side meaning, what if I never had kids, for one reason or another?
Should I stay passionless till the end of time?
I halted again.

Yesterday, I was chatting with a friend.
He told me something that gave me the answer that I was looking for, and he didn’t know it.
He said that one of the good things about me is that I am balanced inside, there is no side of my personality that prevails on the other… I am just symmetrical!
*ok I sound like a smug here, but this was what he told me*

I thought about what he said… and it just occurred to me that this is it!! This is the reason why I don’t have a passion.

I am a perfectionist (I've always known it and confessed it). Perfectionists seek balance in everything.
If I had a passion for anything, I will be obsessed about it. This obsession will block my chances of engaging in any sane arguments regarding it, since I'm going to be very biased.

It could be a justification for a state of denial that I'm living…
But what for? Is there anything better than being a balanced person and have peace with your self? I don’t think so.