
Another movie

It's very weird what boredom can do to a person..

I was bored and out of it last night, so I decided to sit with my family in the TV room for a change.
They were watching "The day after tomorrow", the movie where earth freezes, and we get a new ice age..
where people start panicking and they run away and try to find a way to outlive the storm and bleh..
Just like Armageddon, Deep Impact, Independence Day, and many many other movies that have the same concept: The world is coming to an end, and American Heroes will save us!!

Well.. I was always indifferent about those movies.... like.. aaah.. nice graphics.. good imagination.. too much acting.. whatever

Right now, 2 incidents have changed my perspective to the whole "American Heroes" movies..
1. 9/11
2. The Americans Invading Iraq.

If I may, I'm going to talk about the American Invasion of Iraq first.

On Thursday, March 20, 2007, my brother and I had a flight to catch from Kuwait to Dubai to go back to Uni, although we still had a few more days of our vacation, but we made our reservation, the lady told us that there will be no flights from Kuwait Airport starting Friday.
Anyways, we went to the airport 4 hours before our flight time cos we thought it was gonna be chaotic in the airport due to the circumstances. and it was.

The airport was under construction (cos they were expanding it), so it was already in a mess.. and people were just all over the place.. with their luggage.. all trying to find a flight to catch so they can get out of there. to top it off, all airline companies cancelled their flights from/to Kuwait airport, except for Kuwait Airways.
We were lucky enough to be flying Kuwait Airways, and it was a wise thing to go early.

As we were heading towards passport control, we said our goodbye's to dad and left.. he called on us.. gave us money.. hugged the both of us.. and told us to take care.. and that we have an open ticket and we can fly to Damascus when school ends if necessary, and my uncle over there will always take care of us..

I forgot to mentioned that sirens went off once before we went to the airport, once on the way, and once while were getting ready to board the plane. and I don't know how many times after we took off.

Long story short.. it felt like the end of the world.. and I'm not sure if any director/producer/ writer/ whatever of movies such as yesterday's have been in a situation like that where he really felt like it was the end of the world.
In this specific situation, the Americans were not the heroes who saved us, they were the terrorizers.

And this all happened in Kuwait where people were scared of something that might not happen.
Iraq? we hear about it in the news every single day.

So, assuming that writers/directors/producers have never been in a similar situation before.
And assuming that those people are Americans, since movies are produced in Hollywood.
Ok.. I have never been to the US, and I didn't know which Towers are the World Trade Center until 9/11.

Watching the towers on TV collapsing, overseas, in a country that I don't belong to... it felt sick!
Just thinking there were people trapped in those buildings, real people, real lives, with real families praying that they will be okkay..
I couldn't have any feelings other than sympathy, and fear.. and I knew it will be a day that would change the world.

Back to the writers/producers/directors.. I don't know how they feel about 9/11, but real people have died that day, and the American Hero did not save them from collapsing.
Who are they kidding with their movies? defying the impossible?!

For those who have reached reading here, thank you.. it must have was such a bore reading this.. I don't even know how I finished the entry.

Final note about "The day after Tomorrow"
It is about a sudden climate change because human beings are consuming natural resources unreasonably and are not caring for Mother Earth.

According to the final reports regarding Global Warming, the US had the highest percentage of gas immittance because of the growing industries and power plants, and the US government still refuses to sign the Kyoto protocol.
I don't know how a movie can change those facts and fix the US' mistakes.

1 comment:

david santos said...

I want that they forgive me for my errors thank you

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