
Facebook banned in Syria!

Facebook is the newest addition to the list of censored websites in Syria.
The list includes Blogger, Youtube, Hotmail (open by few ISPs), Elaph news network, Al-Quds News paper, and many others.

Facebook promotes socializing with people of all sorts and kinds. It promotes events, and most of all, it promotes having a voice.

For Syria to go ahead and block this site, it's expected. It's not a first to block a site that enables Syrian citizens to open up to the outside world, or give them a chance to express themselves. Hell! it gave Syrians a chance to promote Syria as a country, and Syrians as friendly people!!
But no, we never want our people to move forward do we?

So, the next time Jon Bolton or anyone else states that there is no democracy or freedom of speech in Syria, I hope no wise-ass government official opens his pie-hole and counter states that we have all it takes to have all the democracy in the world, cos then I will be ready to sh** all over him.

The funniest thing about this particular piece of news is when it says that the Ministry of Communication is not responsible for this ban or any other bans...
So who is???

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