I watched this video yesterday
It's an experiment of extracting tar from cigarettes
I've been smoking since I was 16 (on and off).. I don't call myself a regular smoker, but when I get into it, I really get into it.
I never thought about quitting.. maybe cos I don't want to, despite the number of pictures and videos I've seen about bad lungs, cancers and smoking consequences.
I always say that a cigarette is the only thing in the world that burns for your pleasure.
Anyways, I really hope this video is a wake up call for anyone who watches...
I know it's unhealthy, the least thing I can do is spread the word.
في شغلة سخيفة كتير بتصير معي لما اطلع الخميس المسا او يوم السبت (الويك اند) بس انا بنرجسيتي الخاصة بحسا حلوة
بحب لما بكون عم سوق لحالي بشارع داخلي رايح جاية، لما يمرق من ناحي مراهق سارق سيارة اهلو، وبيصير يدبللي بعيونو مفتكرني مراهقة وسارقة سيارة اهلي متل حكايتو
كل مرة بتصير معي بيجي ببالي اضحك وقول، لك انا قد امك روح العاب مع رفقاتك دادا
بس ببلع الضحكة.. وبسكت... انو شايفنني العالم اصغر بعشر سنين.. شوبدي احسن من هيك؟؟
مجتمع من الناس عم يتناقشو بأمور سياسية اجتماعية اقتصادية وبيئية
بيصدف واحد من المجتمعين افكاروا خارجة عن المألوف.. ايجابي بطريقتها الخاصة
لسا ما بيلحق يفتح تمو.. بيطلعولو سنجق عرض.. وبيساوو شغلة بيئة وكيس زبالة.. لأنو مختلف
الأول: ولك انته ما بتهمك مصلحة البلد.. ولك انته غلط.. ولك انته بدك تضرنا
التاني: ايه عطيه.. خليه يعرف
الأول: ولك انته لو مو مصلحجي ما بتورجينا خلقتك ولا بتفتح تمك.. ولك انته علاك
التاني: ايه سمعو لهالكر
الأول: ولك انته لو مافي بنات بالقعدة ما بتقعد (وينظر بطرف عينه للبنت يللي قاعدة جنب اللي نازل فيه.. انو بالله ما عجبتك؟؟).. ما بتفهم بفرنكين وجاية تبيض على قفانا.. روح شوف حالك احسنلك من هاللعي
التاني: ايه الله يعطيك العافية خليك عم تبع** ـ
الأول للتاني: اهلين الله يسلمك يا رب... ايه وين كنت؟؟
ايه.. ولك انته ما بتهمك مصلحة البلد.. ولك انته غلط.. ولك انته ما بتفيدنا
التاني: لك صفقولو صفقولو.. هادا الحكي
الأول: شكرا شكرا
ايه وين صرت؟ ايه.. ولك انته لو مو مصلحجي ما بتورجينا خلقتك ولا بتفتح تمك.. ولك انته علاك
التاني: ولك وين الفرد وينو بشرفك وينو؟؟بدي قوصلك هلأ هلأ!! يقبرني الله اللي خلقك
الأول يللي صار راسو قد الطبل: ولك انته صرصور.. وبدي اسحقك
التاني: لك انا بطيرلك ياه معلم.. بأمر شواربك انا
وتفتتح الدبكة بنغمات شعبية.. ويستلم اللقلوق الراس.. وياريتو بيكون بهاللحظة عرفان حالو أديشو حشرة
بينما يقف اللقلوق الأكبر منو مختالا.. انو انا كسار راسو.. وياريتو بيكون بهاللحظة عرفان حالو اديش مدود وبهيم
بيصدف واحد من المجتمعين افكاروا خارجة عن المألوف.. ايجابي بطريقتها الخاصة
لسا ما بيلحق يفتح تمو.. بيطلعولو سنجق عرض.. وبيساوو شغلة بيئة وكيس زبالة.. لأنو مختلف
الأول: ولك انته ما بتهمك مصلحة البلد.. ولك انته غلط.. ولك انته بدك تضرنا
التاني: ايه عطيه.. خليه يعرف
الأول: ولك انته لو مو مصلحجي ما بتورجينا خلقتك ولا بتفتح تمك.. ولك انته علاك
التاني: ايه سمعو لهالكر
الأول: ولك انته لو مافي بنات بالقعدة ما بتقعد (وينظر بطرف عينه للبنت يللي قاعدة جنب اللي نازل فيه.. انو بالله ما عجبتك؟؟).. ما بتفهم بفرنكين وجاية تبيض على قفانا.. روح شوف حالك احسنلك من هاللعي
التاني: ايه الله يعطيك العافية خليك عم تبع** ـ
الأول للتاني: اهلين الله يسلمك يا رب... ايه وين كنت؟؟
ايه.. ولك انته ما بتهمك مصلحة البلد.. ولك انته غلط.. ولك انته ما بتفيدنا
التاني: لك صفقولو صفقولو.. هادا الحكي
الأول: شكرا شكرا
ايه وين صرت؟ ايه.. ولك انته لو مو مصلحجي ما بتورجينا خلقتك ولا بتفتح تمك.. ولك انته علاك
التاني: ولك وين الفرد وينو بشرفك وينو؟؟بدي قوصلك هلأ هلأ!! يقبرني الله اللي خلقك
الأول يللي صار راسو قد الطبل: ولك انته صرصور.. وبدي اسحقك
التاني: لك انا بطيرلك ياه معلم.. بأمر شواربك انا
وتفتتح الدبكة بنغمات شعبية.. ويستلم اللقلوق الراس.. وياريتو بيكون بهاللحظة عرفان حالو أديشو حشرة
بينما يقف اللقلوق الأكبر منو مختالا.. انو انا كسار راسو.. وياريتو بيكون بهاللحظة عرفان حالو اديش مدود وبهيم
Facebook banned in Syria!
Facebook is the newest addition to the list of censored websites in Syria.
The list includes Blogger, Youtube, Hotmail (open by few ISPs), Elaph news network, Al-Quds News paper, and many others.
Facebook promotes socializing with people of all sorts and kinds. It promotes events, and most of all, it promotes having a voice.
For Syria to go ahead and block this site, it's expected. It's not a first to block a site that enables Syrian citizens to open up to the outside world, or give them a chance to express themselves. Hell! it gave Syrians a chance to promote Syria as a country, and Syrians as friendly people!!
But no, we never want our people to move forward do we?
So, the next time Jon Bolton or anyone else states that there is no democracy or freedom of speech in Syria, I hope no wise-ass government official opens his pie-hole and counter states that we have all it takes to have all the democracy in the world, cos then I will be ready to sh** all over him.
The funniest thing about this particular piece of news is when it says that the Ministry of Communication is not responsible for this ban or any other bans...
So who is???
The list includes Blogger, Youtube, Hotmail (open by few ISPs), Elaph news network, Al-Quds News paper, and many others.
Facebook promotes socializing with people of all sorts and kinds. It promotes events, and most of all, it promotes having a voice.
For Syria to go ahead and block this site, it's expected. It's not a first to block a site that enables Syrian citizens to open up to the outside world, or give them a chance to express themselves. Hell! it gave Syrians a chance to promote Syria as a country, and Syrians as friendly people!!
But no, we never want our people to move forward do we?
So, the next time Jon Bolton or anyone else states that there is no democracy or freedom of speech in Syria, I hope no wise-ass government official opens his pie-hole and counter states that we have all it takes to have all the democracy in the world, cos then I will be ready to sh** all over him.
The funniest thing about this particular piece of news is when it says that the Ministry of Communication is not responsible for this ban or any other bans...
So who is???
Lexus RX 350
Exactly one week ago I picked up my brand new Lexus RX 350! It has the navigator (which is amazing since my memory is becoming rustier and rustier), and a very important feature, the memory seat... so if my dad or my brother want to borrow my car, I can always readjust the seat, the steering wheel, and the mirrors, with a touch of a button! no more suffering with my dad's car!!
Ofcourse I'm the family's new chauffeur.. but I don't care! I'm so happy.. this car is like my new best friend now! It took me quiet a while to finally own a car.. and now mission accomplished!
The pictures will say it all They are not professional at all.. they are meant for explanatory reasons only.
I wanted to take more pictures of the exterior, but anyone can see that in the street...

The Navigator
Memory Seat!

And ofcourse.... the keychain...
Ofcourse I'm the family's new chauffeur.. but I don't care! I'm so happy.. this car is like my new best friend now! It took me quiet a while to finally own a car.. and now mission accomplished!
The pictures will say it all They are not professional at all.. they are meant for explanatory reasons only.
I wanted to take more pictures of the exterior, but anyone can see that in the street...

The Navigator
The steering wheel adjustment
Memory Seat!

And ofcourse.... the keychain...

يا ظريف الطول وقف تاقوللك
يا ظريف الطول وقف تا قوللك
رايح عالغربة بلادك احسنلك
خايف يا ابن العم تروح وتتملك
وتستحظي بالغير وتنساني انا
بصراحة.. بعمري ما كرهت غربتي قد ما انا بكرهها هلأ
رايح عالغربة بلادك احسنلك
خايف يا ابن العم تروح وتتملك
وتستحظي بالغير وتنساني انا
بصراحة.. بعمري ما كرهت غربتي قد ما انا بكرهها هلأ
يا ريتني كنت ولدانة و عايشة ودارسة بالشام، كنت تعلمت على حربقة بناتها، وكنت اتعلمت من قسوتها كيف دبر اموري
انته يللي حببتني بالشام وانا يللي ما كنت طيق اقعد الشهرين فيها
كنت شفتك من اول ما رجعت عالبلاد
كنت شفتك من اول ما رجعت عالبلاد
وكنت قدرت قضي معك وقت اطول.. الوقت بدال اللي ضاع بين تليفونات خارجية ومسجات.. الوقت اللي ضاع بين الحكي الكتير يللي كنت احكيه.. يللي كنت تسمعو وما تقتنع فيه
كنا ماضطرينا نستنا الوقت ليحللنا مشكلتنا ونترك امورنا عالبركة.. ويا بتصيب يا بتخيب
يا ريت ويا ريت
يا ريت ويا ريت
وكلمة يا ريت بعمرها ما عمرت بيت
Incremented Resolutions
I started blogging in November last year..
So far I have only 54 entries
I disconnected from June through September
What a shame!!
Well maybe it's because I don't have a certain purpose for this blog... and i treat it like a personal vent to display my complicated life on public...
Ok, I shall continue venting
At the end of January, I came up with something called "Incremented Resolutions". Something I thought would be very useful to fulfill my year's resolutions and not forget about them around the end of February and only remember them on December... something to keep me going and hoping.
It is working so well so far, I know no one is gonna read, but I'm writing them for me.. so here we go:
So far I have only 54 entries
I disconnected from June through September
What a shame!!
Well maybe it's because I don't have a certain purpose for this blog... and i treat it like a personal vent to display my complicated life on public...
Ok, I shall continue venting
At the end of January, I came up with something called "Incremented Resolutions". Something I thought would be very useful to fulfill my year's resolutions and not forget about them around the end of February and only remember them on December... something to keep me going and hoping.
It is working so well so far, I know no one is gonna read, but I'm writing them for me.. so here we go:
- I have learnt accounting!!!!!! It's one of my greatest accomplishments so far considering how much I hated it in college. I know what its all about, I'm even considering enrolling in a CMA course! The problem is, only 1 institution in Kuwait offers it, and it's only a weekend course, and I don't like weekend courses cos weekends are not only rest time for me, but also for the instructors, and I don't think he/she are very happy to work on weekends...
The institute will keep me posted if they offer any weekdays courses.. we will see about that. - The Ameen project for work is going well so far. a bit slow, but it's all because my boss is too busy and we barely have time to sit and work on it together.. but hopefully it will be all done before April next year when we have to do the inventories and the start of the new financial year of the company.
- I can somewhat speak French right now, which has been a dream of mine since I was 5
I took level 1&2 in Kuwait, from January till May. In the summer, I enrolled in a course in Damascus and took a placement test, and was eligible for level 4! at the end of the course, I was the second top student in my class although it wasn't very easy for me since I have skipped one whole level! That was another accomplishment for this year in my opinion...
Right now, I'm searching for a good institute here to continue Frenching my way through, cos the one I used to study in only offers beginners' classes.
A few things that I wish I could accomplish but having some troubles with:
- Reading!! I still can't get myself to read books from the beginning to the end, and I don't know why. I just can't finish them! I don't have the heart to sit with a thick book with small letters, or stare at a computer screen for hours to read.. It's frustrating..
- Exercising: Although I am standing at 47 Kg right now, but I still need to work out a little to have some flexibility.. sitting on my ass all day long is not serving me well at all and it's really messing my physic..
I need to find a gym, but it's really hard in this country for many reasons.. - Buying a car: I have been wanting to have my own car since God knows when.. and it got worse after I got my driving licence 2 years ago. In June, I finally started the first phase of car shopping and looking at catalogues. But every time I set my mind on a car, my father starts planting obstacles out of the blue. Until it was summer time and we had to travel to Damascus, it's then when he said that we shall wait until October when all car dealerships will release the 2008 models..
October has come and gone, and I still don't have my mind set on a car...
I just hope I get it over with before the end of the year.
Relationships wise?
Long story.. will have a special entry for that one.. maybe by the end of the year.
For this month..
I have 4 things stuck in place that I need to resolve:
- CMA course (depends on the institute)
- French course (depends on me)
- The car (depends on both dad and me)
- Al-Ameen Project (depends on my boss and me)
2 months left till the end of the year..
better start resolving those resolutions very soon.
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