

What is better than winter rain?

Unexpected Spring rain!!
it was pouring all day long on Monday.. very pleasant and unexpected.
unexpected because we thought that summer has already came; temperature was above 30 last week, the AC's are on and we all thought that summer had started!

But nope!
it's just a thought.. only a thought.

I enjoyed the rain.

It was both scary and safe..
I don't really like driving at night, although the streets' illumination in Kuwait is indescribable.. but i just don't like it...
add to that slippery roads.. it wasn't such an easy thing
But I was told that I did a great job..

and I enjoyed cruising under the rain

the effects were just amazing..
I looked at the car's temperature scale this morning.. and it was 19 C!!!
(at this time of the year it is usually 25 C more or less)

and they keep on telling me about global warming!
Come on over to Kuwait people!!

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