
Goals and Resolutions

This post was written on January 28th, 2007, but is posted today due to laziness…

The word "resolution" is always associated with the end of the year, when we start doing our calculations, to make sure that we have fulfilled our goals our if we did something different in the past year, and to promise ourselves to change in the upcoming year, to quit smoking or drinking or gossiping or cheating or ignoring or trusting or just change.

Because change is refreshing.

So why wait until the beginning of the year to decide on our resolutions?
I don't think it's fair to make a promise to ourselves to change throughout the year then probably completely forget about it in February then remember it in December when we recall that we didn't fulfill it.

I have decided to have "incremental" resolutions, incremented to 12 months.

So, each month will have its own resolution and they will be, hopefully, maintained throughout the year.
It no longer can be called resolutions I think… maybe a set of goals.
It doesn't matter, as long as they are not forgotten throughout the year.

So, for the rest of January, I should finish the book that I'm reading and decide on what book I shall start reading in February.


  • I shall regulate my working hours, and stick to them.
  • Finish the stupid Ameen project that I have been working on since forever.
  • Read the book that I will decide on by the end of January.
  • Try to write at least one blog entry in English every day. I'm scared of losing my second language due to mal practice and excess communication with Chinese people (no offense to Chinese people, but seriously, it's really hard to communicate with them!!)

    I think that's enough for now…


Anonymous said...

That is one clever idea....
been thinking the same for a while....
I hate it when i remember at the end of the year all the things that i did not do all year ...
Let me know if this new way works for you... i may adopt it also...

ah... and chinese peopel..???
Where when and why?....


GraY FoX said...

Heyo there
looks interesting
if you can handle that it would be super perfect
since noone around man can do that i guess :S
even Santa goes for a complete year resolution to find who is naughty and who is good

tamatem * said...

it has worked out pretty well so far, i mean i made it through January!

It just needs a bit of consistency..

If you wanna try it, start with a few things, don't overwhelm yourself.
measure according to your abilities and self expectations.

Don't forget we are still humans..

tamatem * said...

sam... I forgot to mention "why Chinese ppl"
I work in a company that deals with import and export, it imports mostly from the Far East, and I handle most of the communication with them.

And believe me when I say, Chinese people have reinvented English!!