I turned 24 today!
Je suis devenu avoir 24 ans!
(i hope i said that right)
About 2 weeks ago, my laptop's screen died on me, while the rest of the laptop was functioning great..
It was really strange but somewhat expected since I open and close the lid alot (I know it might not be related but deep down I believe it is)
I kept working on it by connecting it to an external LCD (my brother's monitor since he is in the middle of bakaloria exams now) but it was boring to work on one screen while the other one is blank.
I finally took it yesterday to the Dell people to see if they can fix it for me.. the guy looked at it, and said.. yea.. umm.. I'm gonna take it inside to check what the problem really is.. 3 minutes later, he came back saying that it's hopeless and fixing it will cost me 120 KD (about $330). I paused a little, so he made me an offer.. he said that I can exchange it for a brand new Dell laptop and only pay the difference in price. So I asked him how much my laptop was worth... he said "give me a minute to check with my people" I felt like I'm dealing with the mobs or something.
He came back to me and said he would buy it for 50 KD! I honestly didn't know what to make of this offer. I mean, I know that my laptop is 2 years old and it was priced at 500 KD when I bought it, but I don't really feel that it has been depreciated that bad!
The prices of the laptops they had started from 200 KD... and paying a difference starting of 150 KD didn't seem like such a bad investment, but somehow I still didn't feel like it's time to give up my beloved loyal laptop yet.. so I told the guy that I'm gonna sleep on it and get back to him the next day.
After I left the Dell store, I went to a repair man in an area very similar to ba7sa in Damascus, told him about the problem with the screen.. he said he wanted to check it out...
he unscrewed the frame, and checked some sort of chip at the back of the LCD. doing that, it took him over 15 minutes.. it got me thinking if that guy at Dell really checked what the problem was.
So the repairman kept checking until he told me that he has to change the LCD, and it will cost 50 KD. I told him to go ahead and do it!
and voila!! I have a brand new LCD on my old laptop... and everyone is happy! Except for the Dell guy who lost his deal and his commission.
It's really funny.. I was so close to buying a new laptop and leaving my old one behind.. I didn't have a big problem since I have already backed up everything.. But I knew it still wasn't time..
It was really strange but somewhat expected since I open and close the lid alot (I know it might not be related but deep down I believe it is)
I kept working on it by connecting it to an external LCD (my brother's monitor since he is in the middle of bakaloria exams now) but it was boring to work on one screen while the other one is blank.
I finally took it yesterday to the Dell people to see if they can fix it for me.. the guy looked at it, and said.. yea.. umm.. I'm gonna take it inside to check what the problem really is.. 3 minutes later, he came back saying that it's hopeless and fixing it will cost me 120 KD (about $330). I paused a little, so he made me an offer.. he said that I can exchange it for a brand new Dell laptop and only pay the difference in price. So I asked him how much my laptop was worth... he said "give me a minute to check with my people" I felt like I'm dealing with the mobs or something.
He came back to me and said he would buy it for 50 KD! I honestly didn't know what to make of this offer. I mean, I know that my laptop is 2 years old and it was priced at 500 KD when I bought it, but I don't really feel that it has been depreciated that bad!
The prices of the laptops they had started from 200 KD... and paying a difference starting of 150 KD didn't seem like such a bad investment, but somehow I still didn't feel like it's time to give up my beloved loyal laptop yet.. so I told the guy that I'm gonna sleep on it and get back to him the next day.
After I left the Dell store, I went to a repair man in an area very similar to ba7sa in Damascus, told him about the problem with the screen.. he said he wanted to check it out...
he unscrewed the frame, and checked some sort of chip at the back of the LCD. doing that, it took him over 15 minutes.. it got me thinking if that guy at Dell really checked what the problem was.
So the repairman kept checking until he told me that he has to change the LCD, and it will cost 50 KD. I told him to go ahead and do it!
and voila!! I have a brand new LCD on my old laptop... and everyone is happy! Except for the Dell guy who lost his deal and his commission.
It's really funny.. I was so close to buying a new laptop and leaving my old one behind.. I didn't have a big problem since I have already backed up everything.. But I knew it still wasn't time..
دعاء الحكام العرب
i received this to my email today.. I thought I would share it
اللهم زِد من جلوسنا على كراسينا
وبارك لنا فيه
اواجعلها للوارث من
اواجعل ثأرنا على شعبن
اوانصرنا على من عارضنا
ولا تجعل مصيبتنا في حُكمنا
ولا تجعل راحة الشعب أكبر همنا
. ولا مبلغ عِلمنا
ولا الانقلاب العسكري مصيرنا
واجعل القصر الرئاسي هو دارنا
اللهم إنا نسألك فترة ممتدة
وهجمة مُرتدة
والصبر على المعارضة
والنصر على الشعب
اللهم ارزقنا معونة لا نسرق بعدها أبدا
اللهم لا تفتح أبواب خزائننا لغيرنا
اللهم وفق أمريكا لما فيه خيرن
االلهم اغفر لـ (جورج بوش) فإنه لا يعلم أننا لا نعلم
اللهم وفقه لما فيه 99% في المائة من أصوات الناخبين
اللهم اقذف حُبه في قلوب اللوبي الصهيوني كالجلطة
اللهم لا تُحاسبه من أول غلطة
اللهم عليك بشعبي، أما أعدائي فأنا سأتفاوض معهم
اللهم طيّب جمرتي وخبّث جمرة شعبي
اللهم ارزقنا حب أمريكا
وحب من يُحب أمريكا
وحب ما يُقربنا إلى حب أمريك
االلهم أمركني ولا تأفغني
اللهم برطني ولا تصوملني
اللهم فرنسني ولا تسودني
اللهم أني أبرأ من الاستعانة في حكم شعبي بأحد
ولا حتى بصديق، ولا برأي الجمهور
للهم أني أعوذ بك من كرسي يُخلع
ومن شعب لا يُقمع
ومن صحيفة لا تُمنع
ومن خطاب لا يُسمع
ومن مواطن لا يُخدع
وأعوذ بك من كل عمل يُقربني إليك!
اللهم لا ( تكنسل ) دعاءن
اولا (تهنجنا) ثم تُعيد تشغيلنا
ولا ترفعنا من الخدمة أبد الآبدين
يا أرحم الراحمين يا رب.
2 years ago
Exactly 2 years ago, I walked on a big stage in Shaikh Rashid's Hall, shook hands with Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashed Al Maktoom, CNN coorespondent Christiane Amanpour, President of AUD Dr. Lance DeMasi, and the Dean of Business School Dr. Jihad Nader. I was told Congratulations. And my moment was broadcasted on Dubai Satalite TV.
Exactly 2 years ago, I graduated.
I had 10 invitations to give away.. to invite the people I care about most to share that special moment with me.
I ended up inviting 3 people only, and the rest of the invitations... well.. i gave them back to the registrar's office cos I didn't need them
the 3 invitations were for the 3 people who hated wearing suites like crazy but still wore them to come to my graduation ceremoney. Brian, Bobby, Ismaiel... Thanks guys...
I couldn't invite people cos most of the people I know were already graduating, and the others got invites from other people...
It was hearbreaking to see people asking for extra 5 to 10 invitations because they wanted to invite as many people as they can, when I had to give up 7 invitations cos I didn't need them.
My friend's brother flew all the way from Canada just to attend the graduation.
My parents couldn't fly in from Kuwait because my siblings were in the middle of exams and couldn't be left alone.
It was such a horrible feeling to see everyone's families' waiting outside for their kids who make them proud.. to see everyone with someone... and to just watch.
My only consolation is that it the ceremoney was broadcased on tv and my family in Kuwait and Syria got to watch it. My parents even taped it to watch it as many times as they could.
It's really stupid of me just to remember the annoying stuff from my graduation.
I believe AUD was an important phase of my life.. reaching graduation was very important to me because it ment that I made it through... I made an achievement, when so many people were waiting for me to fall apart.
On a last note, the camera I had that day was a non-digital Canon Prima Super 115.
I used up a full roll that day. I still haven't developed the pictures though.
At the begining of the month, I tried to collect all the courage I have to confront myself and live the moment again, the good moment! but I chickened out and pretended to forget it.
It is well kept, so I don't think anything would happen to it.
I don't blame anyone for not reading through the whole thing.. it's really depressing only remembering the annoying things about such a happy day... but in order for me to let go, I need to open up and talk it out... and pray there would be someone who listens.
Exactly 2 years ago, I graduated.
I had 10 invitations to give away.. to invite the people I care about most to share that special moment with me.
I ended up inviting 3 people only, and the rest of the invitations... well.. i gave them back to the registrar's office cos I didn't need them
the 3 invitations were for the 3 people who hated wearing suites like crazy but still wore them to come to my graduation ceremoney. Brian, Bobby, Ismaiel... Thanks guys...
I couldn't invite people cos most of the people I know were already graduating, and the others got invites from other people...
It was hearbreaking to see people asking for extra 5 to 10 invitations because they wanted to invite as many people as they can, when I had to give up 7 invitations cos I didn't need them.
My friend's brother flew all the way from Canada just to attend the graduation.
My parents couldn't fly in from Kuwait because my siblings were in the middle of exams and couldn't be left alone.
It was such a horrible feeling to see everyone's families' waiting outside for their kids who make them proud.. to see everyone with someone... and to just watch.
My only consolation is that it the ceremoney was broadcased on tv and my family in Kuwait and Syria got to watch it. My parents even taped it to watch it as many times as they could.
It's really stupid of me just to remember the annoying stuff from my graduation.
I believe AUD was an important phase of my life.. reaching graduation was very important to me because it ment that I made it through... I made an achievement, when so many people were waiting for me to fall apart.
On a last note, the camera I had that day was a non-digital Canon Prima Super 115.
I used up a full roll that day. I still haven't developed the pictures though.
At the begining of the month, I tried to collect all the courage I have to confront myself and live the moment again, the good moment! but I chickened out and pretended to forget it.
It is well kept, so I don't think anything would happen to it.
I don't blame anyone for not reading through the whole thing.. it's really depressing only remembering the annoying things about such a happy day... but in order for me to let go, I need to open up and talk it out... and pray there would be someone who listens.
and here comes June
This resolution increments thing should work.. if only I had the strength to stick to it
The reading thing was going ok until i faced a problem with one book.. then the whole idea fell apart *sigh*
no.. I stopped reading that book, and grabbed another one called "Please Stop Laughing at me". it is a true story about bullying and abuse in schools in the United States.
I really loved the story and loved how true it was. I have never been physically abused during school years, but like everyone.. I was psychologically abused, mostly in college, and because of how much of a drama queen I can be, I never managed to let go.
But this month, I want to let go.
This month, because on June 6th, exactly 2 years have passed on my graduation. and I believe it's time I let all this agony and anger go, and live in peace.
Yes June is full of memories; Bakaloria exams, high school graduation, final days in college, university graduation, leaving Dubai for good... and most importantly... my birthday.
I'm turning 24 in about 2 weeks.. not too excited about it.. but we will see how it goes.
and my brother's birthday was today.
He always gets us these amaaazing gifts and for us, it was just so frustrating to get him something cos we had no idea what he wants, and he was so cool as in.. I don't want anything I just wanna celebrate with you guys..
so I ended up making him brownies (with a burnt surface ofcourse!)
but he loved them!! and it made me happy!
So I'm going to be reminiscing alot on this blog this month.
I think I should call my blog "Dear Diary" instead of Twisted with Spice.
aah what the hell.. Dear Diary is so unoriginal
Oh this month, I will be finishing my French classes (level 2). I hope the institute would open a third level before I leave to Damascus (as if I know exactly when I'm going to Damascus)
but one thing I know for sure.. I love the language.
June's book is a classic: "The Animal's Farm"
and we will see how it goes....
The reading thing was going ok until i faced a problem with one book.. then the whole idea fell apart *sigh*
no.. I stopped reading that book, and grabbed another one called "Please Stop Laughing at me". it is a true story about bullying and abuse in schools in the United States.
I really loved the story and loved how true it was. I have never been physically abused during school years, but like everyone.. I was psychologically abused, mostly in college, and because of how much of a drama queen I can be, I never managed to let go.
But this month, I want to let go.
This month, because on June 6th, exactly 2 years have passed on my graduation. and I believe it's time I let all this agony and anger go, and live in peace.
Yes June is full of memories; Bakaloria exams, high school graduation, final days in college, university graduation, leaving Dubai for good... and most importantly... my birthday.
I'm turning 24 in about 2 weeks.. not too excited about it.. but we will see how it goes.
and my brother's birthday was today.
He always gets us these amaaazing gifts and for us, it was just so frustrating to get him something cos we had no idea what he wants, and he was so cool as in.. I don't want anything I just wanna celebrate with you guys..
so I ended up making him brownies (with a burnt surface ofcourse!)
but he loved them!! and it made me happy!
So I'm going to be reminiscing alot on this blog this month.
I think I should call my blog "Dear Diary" instead of Twisted with Spice.
aah what the hell.. Dear Diary is so unoriginal
Oh this month, I will be finishing my French classes (level 2). I hope the institute would open a third level before I leave to Damascus (as if I know exactly when I'm going to Damascus)
but one thing I know for sure.. I love the language.
June's book is a classic: "The Animal's Farm"
and we will see how it goes....
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